Standard Overhead Tanks
Standard Overhead Tanks
We offer 2 different types of overhead tanks ranging from 150g.-1000g. Our two packages are saddle style and ARB (anti-roll bracket). The saddle style overhead is a basic cylindrical tank that is mounted on a U-style saddle bracket allowing you to gravity feed your product without power or pump. The second setup more preferred over the saddle style is our ARB (anti-roll bracket) package which is a cylindrical tank with duel ARB’s welded to the bottom for the ability to have the tank placed stationary on the ground or lifted up to be bolted onto our ARB stands.
- The pro’s for ARB allows for extra security in bolting your tank to the stand and being able to sit the tank horizontally on the ground without extra support. The pro’s for a saddle-style overhead would be its ease of use. You can quickly set up or move your tank around quickly without unbolting the tank from its stands. The saddle style tank, unfortunately, it is not usable while dismounted from the stand on the ground. We also offer the entire kit needed for use of these tanks such as
- 1” x 10’ hose
- Manual nozzle
- Filter and filter adapter
- Lockable ball valve
- Morrison lockable vent fill cap
- 2-1” nipple for plumbing
- Side winder float gauge
- We are also able to ship 150g-500g setups via transport trucks like FedEx.
- The benefits of an overhead tank saddle or arb is the ability to use these tanks without having electricity to run a pump. All of our overhead tanks are meant for gravity-fed fueling without the use of electric pumps.

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